Wordless (almost) Wednesday ~ First Broken Bone
Last week Jayden got a soccer ball kicked into his thumb while playing outside with his cousins and a neighbor friend. He came in asking for ice and acting fine, just stating he got a ball kicked into his hand and that his thumb hurt. I didn’t think too much of it. The next day it was quite swollen and had what I am calling “the black ring of death” around his knuckle. It literally looked as though someone had slipped a black ring around the knuckle on his thumb!
Off to the pediatrician’s office we go. Of course they told me exactly what I already knew, that it might be broken and that to tell for sure he would need an x-ray. The next day we headed off to the orthopedic specialist to have an x-ray done and if it was broken his casting would be done there as well.
Much to our dismay his thumb was broken. 🙁 It is the first broken bone for any of our children. He was lucky enough to be getting waterproof casting material so he can swim and shower with it. The doctor said they had gotten the new supply in 25 minutes before we arrived! I only had my phone so I apologize for the lack of quality in the photos from the casting process.

Our big concern was him being able to play soccer. The doctor cleared him to play, but apparently it is then up to the referee in our league to decide before each game if he can play. So we had to have a note from the doctor clearing him to play and we had to bubble wrap the whole cast to ensure the safety of the other players (which I am all for by the way as I wouldn’t want anyone getting injured as a result of getting whacked by a cast). Jayden was able to play the same day he got his cast, and he looked like he had a club arm! Now hopefully each referee we run into will allow him to play. He has 3 weeks with his cast on and a bunch of games during that time, so one game at a time!

June 20, 2012 @ 12:03 pm
I’m so glad you shared this story here…I had been wondering of the details!! Glad he’s able to play soccer…can’t wait to see it in person!
June 20, 2012 @ 11:06 pm
Poor guy!
Is that your little girl I spy on the pillow in the background? How cute is that!?
June 21, 2012 @ 9:02 am
Yes Sarah, that is his little sister looking on. She just had to be right there to see everything!
June 22, 2012 @ 2:22 pm
What a serious, inquizative expression on Ava’s face. I wonder what Jayden Man thought of the entire procedure. We enjoyed watching Jayden’s game last night. It was a fast, tough fought game. The opposing team was very good and it is wonderful to see just how much all the boys on Jayden’s team have improved.
June 22, 2012 @ 4:27 pm
I hated the broken bone thing. I am so amazed with what they can do today in casting the broken bone. I think it is awesome he can go swimming and play soccer. The picture of him playing soccor was awesome.
Perhaps the delay in getting the treatment was good because he could then get the better type of cast.
Blessings to you all!
July 9, 2012 @ 10:53 am
Sorry to hear about your son’s broken thumb! I pray that it is feeling a little better every day. Many blessings, Lisa
July 9, 2012 @ 11:38 am
He had the cast on for 3 weeks and is now in a custom brace for the next month. The brace part was unexpected so he is bummed. I have been on break from all things blog but hope to pick back up again in the next week or two and will have photos and such from his broken thumb experience.