You Are a Masterpiece – Mixed Media Art Workshop
I am so excited for the latest mixed media art workshop from Flourish! Each one has been so creative and engaging. But what makes me most excited about this one is that it is geared towards women, and is meant to help build us up, give us a creative outlet, and help us learn to stop and enjoy the simple pleasures of making something with our own hands. I am also excited because this is one my teen daughter is excited about too! It will give us a chance to connect, and create together.
Just like life, mixed media art is messy.
In order to make a beautiful piece of art, you have to get your hands, your workspace, and sometimes your clothes messy with paint, decoupage, inks, and more. But when you’re finished, the result is a beautiful masterpiece.
This You Are a Masterpiece Mixed Media Workshop e-Course will be spread over four weeks, with detailed videos and supply lists of each project. It will also have the feel of a Bible study as well, with each week having a theme, scripture focus, and short devotional. {I received free access to this course in return for my promotion of it. Please see my full disclosure policy for more details. All of my opinions are my own.}
{It is taught via videos in a private, password-protected site. And what’s even better is that you can watch them on your own time and adjust them to fit your schedule because they are self-paced and you get lifetime access to them!
Week One: You Are a Masterpiece
You are an exquisite work of art, carefully crafted, intricately detailed, uniquely you. God made you in His image. No matter who you are or what you have or haven’t done, you are a priceless treasure to the Lord. He loves and adores you.
Week Two: For Such a Time as This
This is the moment for which you have been created. God has a specific purpose for your life. He prepared a plan and path for you before you were even born. Your life — and what you do with it — matters to God and others.
Week Three: Discover God’s Plan for Your Life
Do you know what your God-given purpose is? If not, don’t worry. The Lord has made it easy for you to get on the right path to finding and fulfilling His plan for your life. And I will give you some guidelines to help you get on the path to discovering that plan.
Week Four: Use Your Gifts to Bless Others
Your gifts are important. You have been blessed to be a blessing. Let your life SHINE everyday no matter what your circumstances are, no matter what you’re going through. Make it your aim, your great quest to love others and to use your giftings to help them.
Having a creative outlet is a vitally important for us as women. Creating brings us tremendous joy. It allows us the freedom of self-expression. It offers us a sense of balance, stress-release, as well as improved health, and so much more.
20 different art projects altogether!
Upon registration, you will receive a welcome email with further information about the classes. You will also receive an email with the link to the “classroom” and your personal password.
That means you pay one price and get access to all 20 projects for a lifetime. Work at your own pace, pick and choose what you want to do, the choice is yours!
Register today!
**In addition to the 20 lessons, there will be:
- a private Facebook group to share in
- a weekly devotion/Bible study
- weekly prompts and assignments
- extra videos and music
- printable images
- a list of some of my favorite resources for supplies