This is our designated room or “home-base” as I like to call it, for most of our homeschooling needs. We specifically bought this house because of the “homeschool” friendly layout. This room has a wide open entry into our kitchen table area and kitchen. This makes it the perfect homeschool room for spreading out, and for me to be doing other things and yet still be engaged with what the kids are doing.
This breakfast nook table has served us well with storage both in the benches as well as under each one. The tall bookshelf holds all of our folders, workbooks, teachers manuals, etc. for the current school year. It also holds many of our smaller craft supplies, as well as some of our games and puzzles.
Music has been important since before I began homeschooling Chloe in second grade. She wanted to play the violin and I promised her I would get her lessons when we started homeschooling. It was on 2011 that she decided to take up playing the guitar as well. She has since (2012) put down the guitar and started dabbling at the piano instead.
I played the piano most of my life and Jayden decided to do so as well. After teaching him myself for almost 2 years, I have passed him along to their music teacher. Now I am teaching Ava to play the piano and she thinks she might want to play the violin when she gets a little older, although I am hoping she sticks with piano as we have one of those and we sold all the smaller violins now that Chloe has a full sized one.
Our computer desk is a vital part of our day. The kids often engage in online units, as well as reading some of their subjects in pdf form to save on paper. The smaller desk is mine and was a new addition at the beginning of 2011. It used to find its home in our bedroom, but it was too difficult for me to be separated from the kids.
At the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year we added more bookshelves to our space. This shelf holds arts, music, religion, and other misc on the top book shelf> Below that is the history, biography, reference shelf. The lowest shelf with books is all science. Then Ava has a nice listening station where you will usually find her tea set next to it (I moved it for the photo). All the cardboard file boxes fit perfectly and store so much of our larger craft supplies. {Click here to see our updated bookshelves and learn how to organize your homeschool bookshelves}